She Leads from soul

- the Lilith edition -

A journey designed to guide you from impostor syndrome, perfectionism, anxiety and doubts to the grounded, confident & creative woman you are, who steps into her LIFE MISSION with PLEASURE and JOY.

6 months ✧ online journey ✧ starting October 31st, 2023

Unleash the untamed woman within you

It's time to live that soul-driven life you crave.

With an intimate group of women, embark on one of the most transformational journeys of your life: free yourself from the social, mental and somatic (bodily) conditioning you have received since birth, in order to unlock your confidence, your medicine, you inner voice and liberate your full potential.

No matter what you do, as a woman, you have unique talents. And the world needs this specific medicine, that only you can bring. Somewhere deep down you know this.

You desire to stop hiding, and overcome your fears, to embody your full potential. The untamed woman within you is done with playing small - and ready to be unleashed.

You not only desire to contribute to the world: you also want to have FUN in a life that feels deeply fulfilling and joyful.


For the past 15 years, I never stopped doing therapy and working on myself. These weeks of coaching have been more transformative than anything I have ever done before. The power of the group is extraordinary.
Yoomna, 33, Environmental Journalist

Deep down...

do you feel you are a powerful woman, with a lot of potential,

and a mission to bring to the world?

And yet, you also often feel like...

  • You dream of spaciousness, yet most days you feel stuck in the rat race.
  • Taking time to rest and do "nothing" is hard or brings guilt.
  • Indecision and doubt block you - especially when it comes to your desires, you find it hard to trust yourself.

...or like...

  • A highly critical voice in your mind tells you'll never be good enough.
  • You’d like to access more relaxation and time to create, yet it feels like you “never have the time’.
  • On top of the have to's, you can be addicted to constant distraction: phone, social media, the news, food, Netflix…
  • You know you have a strong potential, but you feel that you're not living up to it.

What if there was another way?

You dreams are not an accident.

You were born with exactly the personality, talents and capacities

needed for your dreams - which connect to your mission.

What if there was nothing wrong with YOU...

...and it was simply our culture that is not

adapted to women thriving?

Welcome to She Leads:

A unique 6-month journey to...

Understand the superpowers

of your body

From your hormones to the psychological phases of your menstrual cycle to the womb (not just an abstract organ but the center of your creativity and deep knowing!) to the power of pleasure.

Release deep patterns of fear, stress & anxiety

Start healing decades of stress and living in survival mode to learn to support your own flourishing through neuroscience, working on the nervous system and healing the mother wound.

Live a life of pleasure rooted in your soul mission

Together, we will dive into the process of shifting from a stress and fear-driven maiden to the empowered, confident, pleasure-driven mature feminine.

Hi! I'm Emilie.

I spent the first 30 years of my life being a good girl, rushing, stressing, and running after myself. I thought that was necessary in order to accomplish the outer ‘success’ and freedom that would fulfil me. It was also the only ‘way’ I was taught, or rather modelled, to live life.

Turns out it is exactly the contrary. As a woman, you have access to extraordinary powers. That will support you in fulfilling your unique mission. Without stress, without hustle. With inspiration, creative juices flowing, tons of free time, and relaxation.

But to access these powers, you need to be willing to let go of everything you’ve been taught, and live life in a radically different way.

Out of the rat race, into a pleasure-led life.

Out of the good girl, into the fierce woman.

My job is to guide you back to yourself - to what is means to be a woman in her centre. How you can access your innate power and confidence - so that you step out of the rat race, and into a life of pleasure and passion. 

Why Lilith?

Lilith is the first woman in the Bible before Eve. She has been demonised by the patriarchal culture to the point that many don't know about her, and if they do, it is as a terrifying figure.

Yet Lilith represents the empowered feminine - she who knows her power, chooses her way, embodies pleasure, and lives in harmony with nature.

For each woman individually, and in our collective consciousness, reclaiming Lilith is essential to restoring resect of the feminine and rediscovering our innate powers as women.

the Lilith edition

Lilith By John Collier, 1887 - Own work, Public Domain,

What is an archetype?

An archetype is a facet of our psyche that is present in the collective unconscious, and that is symbolised through a person, character, image, art, story, dream, myth...

Our culture has repressed parts of our psyche that are necessary to accessing our full power and creativity.

Together we will (re-)discover and awaken parts of ourselves that were buried, heal parts that needed tending to, and ‘re-member’ the parts of ourselves that want to be integrated so we may feel more whole and complete.

The Framework

She Leads is based on 3 pillars: psychology, spirituality AND science.


My 4-year training in coaching & therapy in the Netherlands, as well as my 4-year Enneagram Coach training in Belgium, and my multi-year trainings with feminin leadership mentors, provide me with a solid basis in the psychology of personal growth.

My tools include NLP, family constellations, the enneagram and transactional analysis.


Hey, I’m also an analytical person! I love diving into the science of brain patterns, understanding crucial elements like dopamine and other neurotransmitters, our endocrine system (hormones), the vagus nerve and our nervous system.

Understand how these work is essential to live in a healthy mind and body in today's world.


You will learn how to connect to other intelligences than your logical mind, and move from an ego-driven to a soul-led life.

We are all connected to the world of the invisible, and I bring this in She Leads through shamanic, energetic and simple connection practises.

If you are not used to this kind of approach, you will discover how spirituality can be very grounded, accessible & practical.

Educational content or coaching?
Get the best of both worlds.

LEARN about so many things our culture forgot to tell women (but are so essential !!)

and GET COACHED on your personal journey of integrating the teachings.


A weekly 2-hour group call that combines powerful teachings & group coaching to integrate the learnings.

THE DEEP DIVE optional


A monthly 90 minute

1:1 coaching session with Emilie to laser focus on your process and needs.



Experience a group of like-minded women who connect deeply & and learn from each other's wisdom.

What's included in the journey

The Program Content

She Leads is a 6-month deep dive to learn the art of living a soul-led life: for the woman who is ready to meet her inner Untamed Woman. 

The program is filled with value and is conceived to lead you step by step through foundations that will guide you your entire life.

We will explore various tools and techniques such as: feminine leadership teachings and transmissions, neuroscience, the wisdom of women's circles, somatic embodiment work, NLP and family constellations.

Below is a rough overview of the themes we will dive into, not necessarily in order, which will be adapted to the group:

MODULE 1: Becoming Lilith


  • The maiden to mature feminine journey
  • The power of archetypes: from Lilith to the witch
  • The history of the Witch Hunt & why it is so important
  • Connecting to your deepest desires and speaking your truth
  • Following your desires and developing radical self trust

MODULE  2: Slowing Down


  • Neuroscience of stress: dopamine reset & digital detox
  • Understanding the subconscious
  • From surviving to thriving: the nervous system & vagal nerve
  • Conscious Self Programming: rewiring your neural pathways
  • Surfing with the psychological phases of our menstrual cycle

MODULE 3: Reconnecting to Radiance


  • A history of women's pleasure
  • Lilith, Mary Magdalene & the Lover archetype
  • Pleasure as your highest productivity tool
  • Unlocking your creative genius, to channel your unique 'medicine' and gifts
  • Re-igniting your life energy & radiance

MODULE 4: Accessing Your Superpowers


  • Understanding what it means to be highly sensitive*
  • The double mission of a highly sensitive person
  • Mothering our inner little girl
  • Healing in the ancestral lineage

* Even if you don't know if you are highly sensitive: if you're reading this, you most probably are! And no worries - it's not always easy, but it IS a gift.

MODULE 5: Harnessing your Inner Yang


  • Healing & moving through fear
  • From perfectionism to imperfect action
  • The limited nature of motivation versus limitless inspiration
  • Leading from the self & the Self

MODULE 6: Stepping into your Power


  • Liberating the throat chakra expression
  • Inspired creation following your unique Human Design blueprint
  • Slower is faster: trusting the whispers
  • Learning to celebrate YOURSELF!

Aurélie, 34, Corporate Lawyer

You are an amazing teacher / guide ! I love to hear you explaining us all these different concepts - it is always super relaxing and enlightening at the same time. I also love the energy you are putting in our sessions - so many good vibes! Thanks a lot!

Each single session taught me something new - the importance of the void, the dopamines, the cycles, the power of the womb, free writing exercices - these were all new to me and super interesting learnings! What has surprised me most was to discover the power of the womb.

Do you dream of...

  • Using your unique talents to impact the world
  • Waking up feeling energised: you are IN LOVE with your life
  • Living a life that feels deeply fulfilling
  • Being guided by pleasure and ease, rather than stress, pressure and insecurity
  • Unlocking the hidden powers of your womanhood, from your womb to your menstrual cycle to your pleasure
  • Feeling beautiful and magnetic, bathing in the radiance of you
  • Having clarity on your deepest desires, and how to manifest them
  • Allowing yourself to blossom organically with joy and a deep trust in your journey

Are you ready to invest 6 months to shift your life to...

  • Embodying a radiant version of YOU that is connected to her power and a profound joy for life
  • Living a fulfilling life WITHOUT overwhelming stress and anxiety
  • Opening up to your full potential to bring your unique mission to the world

The Investment


All the benefits of The Live School i.e. 24 sessions of LIVE 2-hour transmissions

6 in-depth 1-1 coaching sessions of 90 minutes with Emilie (one each month)

Limited spaces. Small group of women.

I'm IN!

€ 5250

Split payment possible (5% admin fees supplement).

NOTE: prices are excl. VAT if you are a company.


I'm in now: September bonus

UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30th: save € 300 🎉

€ 4950

Split payment possible (5% admin fees supplement).

NOTE: prices are excl. VAT if you are a company.



For 6 months, you will receive 24 sessions of LIVE 2-hour transmissions.
2x per month we will have an educational transmission session and 2x per month it will be a group coaching session, in which questions are asked and responded to, the group's wisdom is shared, and together we dive deeper.

I'm IN!

€ 4500

Split payment possible (5% admin fees supplement).

NOTE: prices are excl. VAT if you are a company.

I'm in now: September bonus

UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30th: save € 300 🎉

€ 4200

Split payment possible (5% admin fees supplement).

NOTE: prices are excl. VAT if you are a company.



For 6 months, you will receive the replays of 12 sessions of 2-hour transmissions.

2x per month educational transmission sessions with powerful content on each module.

I'm IN!

€ 1250

or 3 x € 444

I'm in now: September bonus

UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30th: save € 300 🎉

€ 950

or 3 x € 333

What is required from you?

This program is compatible with the busy life woman of today. The journey is adapted so that every woman who is committed to her growth gets what she needs out of the program.

There ARE requirements in order to join She Leads:

  • A burning desire to unravel your full potential and live a life of affirmation, pleasure and soul-driven mission.
  • A willingness to be open, vulnerable, and shine a (loving) light on your fears, limiting beliefs and blind spots you maybe hadn't seen before.
  • A commitment to the journey towards yourself AND the other women present. Together, we are going to learn, to apply, to integrate, to struggle and to support each other. The collective experience is one of the most powerful assets of this container.


Is this you?

Are you feeling the nudge to join this adventure

into your feminine leadership?

Katya, 38, Interior Designer & company CEO

"Thank you for the amazing sessions! I feel so uplifted and grateful. You always bring so much value and unlock so much potential with sharing what you know. I'm so lucky to be on this path with you."

Alexia, 31, Data Analyst & Yoga Teacher

"Working with Emilie was so deep and so profound. I was definitely not expecting to go that deep on Zoom! She managed to bring me into a really embodied practise. I could tell that she could really read me, and use that to guide me. She helped me heal some old patterns and reclaim my power."

Marie, 30, Trauma Recovery Coach

"I hesitated to join because of the price point in the beginning, but after the experience I realised it really wasn't expensive for what it was and that you could easily ask for double the amount!"


Have any questions?

Interested? Curious? Feeling the pull but not sure? Have doubts or hesitations?

Let's chat. I can assure you ONE thing: I will NEVER try to convince someone to step in. First of all, it needs to genuinely be a fit, or it won't be aligned for me and the rest of the group either.

And most of all - YOU'RE the one who knows what's best for you. There are NO PRESSURES, and YOU get to feel if this adventure might be right FOR YOU.

About this journey's guide -Emilie

Emilie Sickinghe forged a diverse set of experiences in international relations and the creative sector before she decided to focus full-time on coaching.

After studying law, she pursued her passion for international relations by working at the EU, in Lebanon and for the NGO Avaaz in London. 

She built communities through projects in sustainable fashion and morning raves (organising healthy mid-week early morning parties). 

Leaving the corporate professional world  in search of something more deeply satisfying, she went on a creative pursuit and spiritual journey, working on horses ranches, doing theatre acting and ghost writing while learning about shamanism.

She decided to bring her talents together as a filmmaker: creating videos and documentaries on subjects with social impact for clients including international NGOs, the EU and UN Women.

Alongside this journey, she followed a 4-year course in coaching and therapy in the Netherlands, a 2-year Enneagram course and various Feminine Leadership trainings with high level mentors - which all constitute the foundations of her coaching work today.

End of 2019 she launched her first retreat on the side of her filmmaking work, before entering full-time into coaching. She has since hosted a series of in person women’s retreats, online programs, corporate workshops and 1-1 coaching clients.

As a professional coach and therapist, she combines her 4-year coaching course with the teachings she has been integrating for the past 12 years in her own self-development journey.

Her tools include NLP, systemic (or family) constellations, the enneagram, shamanism, personality structures, as well as intuitive dance and other somatic embodiment practices.

There's so much I've learned after 3 months, and that's only half the journey!

It would be too much to summarize!

In short: I've learned that there is tremendous power & wisdom in woman / me that is undiscovered and untapped because we / I haven't been taught how to use it.

I feel I'm just beginning to scratch the surface on learning how to use my mind, body and spirit to reach that level of female wisdom & power.

What surprised me most is the scientific bits & bobs that get weaved into the transmissions - I love those & find myself sharing those with my friends the most.

I'm also proud of just being on this journey, because it's something 'out there' for women in my family to do. I'm grateful that I already have a great inner compass and intuition that I developed over the years that has guided me all this time.

Marlies, 43, Social Impact Designer & Entrepreneur

She Leads was life-changing for me.

It allowed me to feel supported while starting my business. I took a lot of big steps in my business thanks to Emilie.

Emilie is such an amazing coach, kind, compassionate, empathic, but also pushes you to take that scary step, whilst supporting you and being there for you whenever you need it.

Also the connection with the different women in the group was very powerful. My favourite aspect of She Leads was having Emilie's support and coaching whilst connecting with other women and mutually supporting each other.

Charlotte, 34, Heart-Centered Living Coach

Emilie empowers women to feel seen and recognise their potential through sharing and connecting.

By curating amazing groups of liked-minded leaders, she allows each of them to both receive and share in a safe environment. You get to feel stronger, open to being vulnerable and wiser at the same time.

Emilie created a safe environment that allowed me to take a break from my daily « todos » and « shoulds ».

She harnessed the power of sisterhood, to empower each of us to let go of certain fears and barriers and help each other overcome the issues that slow us down.

She uses different techniques and exercises to let us figure out our own needs and deep desires and help us move forward in all areas of our lives.

Ariane, 33, Sustainable Designer

I take with me the power of sisterhood, that our stories are different but also resemble each other deeply.

This journey gave me self-confidence, enabled me to let go and trust the beauty of life: the famous go with the flow.

It also taught me the incredible Fuck Yes method !! And so many more things. THANK YOU.

Chloé, 33, Consultant & Entrepreneur

THANK YOU SO MUCH for this journey!

It is... truly incredible.

With each month I experienced transformation, and it is only looking back that I see how deeply both my body and mind allowed the teachings to transform my life.

I surrendered and let go. I understood so many dimensions of how to achieve my goals and build my business in a way that feels good to me.

I learned to receive and express myself. I feel more at peace in my body, I discovered so much things about myself - my coping mechanisms, my attachment style.

I amaze myself from time to time as well. My relationship with myself improved and it positively impacted my relationships with others too.

I am less judgemental towards myself, more present in my body and more grounded. The way I speak to myself has changed (more gentle), and I am creating space for myself (I prioritise myself and value myself more),

I am more assertive, more confident. I also recognise when I project onto others, while my thoughts patterns are more positive and authentic.

I don't let anyone take advantage of me, I stand up for myself, put boundaries and I apologise less. Auto-regulating my nervous system was a game changer as well.

I celebrate myself for being authentic, speaking and embodying my truth. I experience less emotional eating.

I feel that I am leading with my feminine energy and do not let my ego have more power on me than myself. I am in the process of healing the "witch wound", and daring to stand fully in my power.

I am so grateful to be on this journey with you.

Ianja, 33, Founder of Aiyana Health and Fitness Center

& Holistic Health Coach


Is this journey calling you?

Book your discovery call so we can meet, chat and see if it's a fit.

To honour the principle of giving and receiving and giving on again, and to support the empowerment of the feminine on our planet, 5% of She Leads profit will be donated to women in harsh conditions or indigenous peoples caring for the Earth.
We are the process of selecting the receiver(s) - if you recommend organisations doing qualitative work around supporting women/indigenous peoples, please let us know.

Let's connect!

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